Friday, August 12, 2011

Living in a Garden of Wonderful Scents

"Just as I can put my physical body into a garden of wonderful scents or into a stinking sewer, the same is true in the spiritual world. We each choose whether our lives will be a detective novel, a scandal sheet, or a scripture." - Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

I chose to put this quote on my website because it is so profound.  If you think about it and break it down.... putting our physical bodies in a garden or a tub of wonderful scents, we smell great, what we're smelling is great, we're relaxed and calm....ready for whatever life throws at us. lowering our bodies into a stinking sewer....well, we just smell like crap, ready for a shower, clean clothes and a refreshing.

On the spiritual side of this quote...

...the stinking cesspool of drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, gossip, lying, cheating, and otherwise following the dictates of Satan or our own humanity leaves us open to more of the same.  We never are satisfied and always feel like there is something better out there.  We feel dirty and we know that we need cleaning up.  Sometimes, we just don't know how.  We are yearning for more and better, but we just don't know what it is or how to get there, so we keep searching in all the wrong places.  We know the ones that love us need us to be better people and we want to be better, but it's so hard to do on our own.  (What novels and scandals could come from these things!) 

The stinking sewer of sin can be a trap that keeps us addicted to pleasures of the world, however....

...God has given us an open door through which to make our escape.  Our lives can be a Scripture.  He sent His Son to die as a sacrifice for all sin whether it was committed yesterday, today or tomorrow.  He caused the curtain to rip providing access to the Holy of Holies, allowing us to come directly into His presence without a Priest representing us.

Jesus is our Intercessor.  The Holy Spirit is our Helper.  All we have to do is speak out of our mouths that we accept Jesus as our Savior and confess our sins.  Then with the help of the Holy Spirit we can break those bonds of addiction, those idols of worldly pleasures and live as Christ lived....fabulously humble in our righteousness that we gained through His death.

God has given us free will.  We all have to make choices as to how we are going to live.  Are you going to choose to live in a cesspool or are you going to live as Christ, refreshed, clean, loved and loving, happy, fabulous!

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