Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our Storms vs Our God

Following the progress of the healing of  a premature twin, born with a heart defect and going through corrective surgery, these past few weeks, I have been struck with just how awesome our God is........ again!

One of my favorite quotes is "Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is!"  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Living in a Garden of Wonderful Scents

"Just as I can put my physical body into a garden of wonderful scents or into a stinking sewer, the same is true in the spiritual world. We each choose whether our lives will be a detective novel, a scandal sheet, or a scripture." - Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

I chose to put this quote on my website because it is so profound.  If you think about it and break it down....

...by putting our physical bodies in a garden or a tub of wonderful scents, we smell great, what we're smelling is great, we're relaxed and calm....ready for whatever life throws at us.

...by lowering our bodies into a stinking sewer....well, we just smell like crap, ready for a shower, clean clothes and a refreshing.

On the spiritual side of this quote...