Life is good. Jesus came to earth to provide a way for our salvation; to be the sacrifice forever for all sin; rose to heaven and is preparing our mansions for us to live with Him in eternity. God has shown us that He is here for us and all we have to do is love His son for Him to adopt us into His family. The rules after that are fairly simple and are all written down for us to learn. He gave us a book, so how hard could it be to live in His kingdom?
I, personally, lost sight of His goodness about a year ago when I went through some depression brought on by several factors and really was in a place where I did not care much about anything. I certainly did not think about praying and really thought things like...."I am not important to anyone" (including God), "Nothing I do is acceptable," "Nothing I do is good enough," and "Why do I even try anymore?"
But God is ever faithful and showed me that in His eyes, I was His daughter, the daughter of the Most High King! I was so important to Him that He lead me to Romans 8:16, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." He lead me to watch a DVD from the Women of Faith series that a friend had loaned me months before and that I had not watched. Sheila Walsh did a teaching on being the daughter of the King. Those things were life-savers for me at that time. He then, provided divine appointments to share that testimony, thereby encouraging others which in turn and in God's awesome wisdom, encouraged me.
I really started believing in myself, again. I haven't come full circle, yet, but I'm getting there.
God restored my relationship with Him. He came to me. That is all over the Old Testament history with the Israelites. I must now do my part and that is where I am lacking. As the Israelites of old, I allow humanity and sin to get in the way. I know it was God. I know what I am supposed to do, but I do not do it to paraphrase Paul in Romans 7. (Awesome chapter, BTW, read the whole thing in the Message. I just did on www.biblegateway.com.)
I have shared this experience with others and made a card to send or give to people that I think need a little encouragement so I will encourage you with the following verse from the card, "Being a daughter of the King means that you are so special and so loved. He loves you so much that He watches you coming and going and is with you always. Jesus is even preparing a special place for you in heaven. You are made in the image of the Almighty God, created in the most beautiful garden and are His precious life-giving child. You are a woman of God's heart. May God bless you, comfort you, heal you, and always show you just how special and beautiful you are!" This has touched several hearts like the Lord meant for it to do.
My restoration would be complete if I would pursue God for a while. I thought I was, but He's shown me that I haven't been. I have written article after article on the subject of prayer and I am the worst offender.
I do not pray continually in the Spirit or even partially. I talk about God but not to God. I write about him but I don't talk to Him. I have been so caught up in politics and doing works as a watchman, that I have blocked God's anointing from the works.
I do believe that we must pursue God's plan even in politics, but my pursuit has been so negative and so Me. I do believe that I have a watchman anointing. I also believe if God is not centered right in the middle of it all, then all the works are for nothing, so I need to be acting that way. I want to spend eternity with God, and no matter what Obama or the Liberals say or do, we can rest and have peace knowing that we will end up in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ if we only follow Him today.
Please pray for me!